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Two colour printing press at EGP UK
2 Colour Printing – Great Value & Impact 1024 682 EGP-Admin

2 Colour Printing – Great Value & Impact

In 2 colour printing, two ink colours are used instead of one or four on printed pieces. Adding a second colour to black and white printing will add colour and impact and can improve the professionalism and increase the response on marketing materials. A unique, readily identifiable spot colour is sometimes used by companies to create a brand colour that is used on all their marketing materials. The inks used are typically Pantone® colours, and are frequently used to print a logo, design or symbol in a unique colour. Pantone inks are the industry standard in two-colour printing because they are part of a standardized colour matching system.

Our B3 SM52 is perfect for 2 colour printing. Amazing speed and quality means we can not only offer you competitive prices, but fantastic quality. The SM52 can perforate and number all in pass, so complex forms are no problem. We regularly produce NCR (non-carbon copy paper) pads and forms for many of our clients.

Get in touch today we’d love to help you with your next project and save some you money at the same time.